Tårtljus is a drama-comedy that takes you on a journey through a woman’s life, from the time she is 17 until she turns 107. Watch Tove Qvickström portray Stina as a daughter, girlfriend, wife, mother, friend, mother-in-law, widow, grandmother and great-grandmother. It is a story about life’s changes and about reconciling with all our ages and life choices.
The performance is an immersive experience that lasts 90 minutes without intermission. We offer balm for the soul, with a performance that touches, entertains and fascinates. It is captivating, recognisable and timeless, with laughter and tears, humour and seriousness. A play with a goldfish, the smell of a freshly baked cake and a performance where no one leaves the stage.
Come and experience 90 years of life in 90 minutes. We are all the ages we have lived.
Subtitled performance
The performance is subtitled in Finnish, English and Swedish in the Subtitle Mobile app.